Frequently Asked Questions 

find answers to questions readers ask

What is your full name?

That's classified. But her first name is Merah.
Her friends call her that too, pronounced MARE-uh. She switched her two initials when creating her pen name. Revere is common nickname too. Other than that, A.M. is another one or formally, her entire pen name.

Where are you from?

Fort Worth, Texas.
Southern hospitality holds a special place in her heart. 

Who does your book and website design?

Merah does! 
She is on her way to becoming a DIY author and has a specific preference for book and website design. She receives guidance with editing and proofreading.

Will you do a book tour?

Nope, and here's why.
As an author using a pen name, Merah chooses not to reveal her appearance. Therefore, signings and in-person speaking events are not in the cards. Stay tuned for some new things coming!

Where is your Privacy Policy?

It is at the page linked here
All the important information about your security as a visitor of this website is listed there. Merah encourages everyone to read through it before submitting any form or comment on this site.

What is your religious affiliation? 

The author grew up in a full-gospel church. Simply put, she loves Jesus and believes the entire Bible. 

Who is your pastor?

Pastor Stephen.
You might recognize him from the foreword of Merah's debut book, Abolish the Label. You can head to this page to find out more about Pastor Shelton and others who endorsed ATL.

How old are you?

She has always been an old soul with a love for vintage and tradition. But that doesn't mean she doesn't love modernity and technology!

Are you accepting booking requests?

You can head to this page and submit your query if you want to book her. ;)

Why can't I find you on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc.?

That is because she isn't there. 
You can follow A.M. Revere on following platforms below— she is most active on Goodreads—to see her own content, book recommendations, and more.

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No questions regarding the author's personal life please. Questions in this criteria will be left unanswered.